I really value you being so honest about this. I - and I’m sure many others - have a fear of being visible online in this way, and a confusion over quite how to do it, and it can be easy to feel that the people doing it successfully are just totally different, confident, outgoing humans! So it really is encouraging to hear how weird it can feel too. Thank you.

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Funny thing is, I would generally describe myself as a confident person but that doesn’t mean it feels good to be so visible for a chunk of time. Both can be true. Publication requires a very artificial level of visibility which does not feel sustainable, so I don’t think there’s anything wrong with not loving it!

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That’s so true - even with confidence I can imagine that the need to be visible is draining, especially when it is the byproduct of doing something you love rather than the thing itself. I hope you get some hibernation time soon!

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Sep 17Liked by Penny Wincer

October is my favourite time too x

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Oddly, I am planning the same sort of “book closing” next month when my current serialized story ends. I’m gathering links and conducting interviews with folks who have written about or experienced similar-but-different things in their lives or families.

I’ve never felt the need for that kind of closure before, but apparently I do for this one. However you close this chapter of yours, I wish you grace and good luck 🍀

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That’s such an interesting idea!

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"Whether you succeed or not is irrelevant, there is no such thing. Making your unknown known is the important thing--and keeping the unknown always beyond you." Georgia O’Keefe said this apparently. I read it yesterday and it seems relevant here. x

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Ahh that is true. And it wouldn’t be making the unknown known if it didn’t also make a feel a bit sick right?!

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