Feb 16Liked by Penny Wincer

Yes to all of this!

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My two are teens Penny, and despite me thinking work is pretty much uninterrupted, your body and rhythm somehow still aligns with them. I’m making the most of it ❤️

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Yes! My daughter is fairly independent and if it was just her the week would still be different :)

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Feb 15Liked by Penny Wincer

Getting out of the house with my 2 autistic kids in the holidays is such a mission. It's good to recognise how much energy it takes out of us all and not to feel bad for lots of down time and screen time afterwards. Thank you.

You're so right it's not just about time it's about energy. I might have the time to write but in the evenings and early mornings when I've not slept well I just don't have the energy!

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So much energy! And when others seemingly do it quite easily, it can be hard not to be hard on ourselves. Having a vital pace that suits me has really helped.

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Feb 15Liked by Penny Wincer

I like you am recovering from a broken foot, well heel. Its still got a good way to go. It takes more emotional and mental energy to do everything, even more than physical energy. So I have had to build in more rest, and less activities. I'm quite involved with our 5 year old grandson so it's been quite a balancing act. I'm not a professional writer but I have put writing and at least reading as a priority over domestic stuff so I stay sane. Reading Tender was an eye-opener. The chapters on self care and self compassion brilliant. And your substack's a real blessing.

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I hope your recovery is going well Jean! I’m on my feet a lot now but it’s still very sore. It’s amazing how much it’s zapping me of energy, just trying to do things I would ordinarily do.

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When my children were small, the youngest of 3 needed a lot more attention … working with her cognitive skills was like wading through treacle, taking me 2 hours to help her do what should have been 10 minutes homework. Story time at the end of the day often left me unable to read a separate story to her older sister because my mental shutters had come down and I was mentally unable to rub even 2 neurons together. We get it 😊

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Oh, and my vital pace? When things get too much I focus on the essentials, like healthy eating, exercise (a walk, even if only 20 minutes), and doing something that gives me a lift, if only for a few minutes. Anything else is a bonus.

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Coincidentally I'm reading this on the bus to Cute with my son! This so resonates Penny & is such a reassurance. I've been finding trying to fit my writing work around my children with minimal childcare so so exhausting and have always found the school holidays just so draining -- so at the beginning of this year I bought a monthly planner and wrote in all the holidays and decided that I simply won't try to work or aim for too much writing-wise in the holidays so I can focus on the children. And that's it, that's all I'm going to ask myself to do. And then any gaps of time can be for reading, audiobooks etc etc. I feel SO relieved to have made this decision, so it feels so lovely to have read your post today xxx

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