Aug 8Liked by Penny Wincer

My heart and all of me feels every word of this. Thanks Penny. I don’t want to be trite and say look after yourself, instead will say- do what you can and trust yourself. Congrats on the book

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Exactly what I try to do - well put! And thank you ❤️

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Aug 8Liked by Penny Wincer

As someone whose life has been 'swallowed whole by caring responsibilities' this speaks deeply to my soul. One of the most profoundly heartfelt and meaningful posts I've ever read. Thank you x

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I hope your summer is filled with as much ease as is physically possible ❤️❤️❤️

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Aug 8Liked by Penny Wincer

'My life cannot be swallowed whole by my caring responsibilities. And my responsibilities, my experiences, are also what makes me the writer I am.' Amen! And all the best as your book baby comes out into the world.

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Thank you Faith! ❤️

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Aug 9Liked by Penny Wincer

Thank you for being vulnerable, Penny. As I read, I kept noticing how well, in the past, you had put boundaries in place for this difficult season. As a person who lived without boundaries for years and is working hard to put them in place when she needs them now, your words were incredibly encouraging. And I can also understand the difficult feelings that would come when those boundaries have to be changed. Blessings and much tenderness for you and your family and work this month. I am looking forward to my copy of the book:).

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This is so well articulated Emily. I think part of it is that so much of my experience as a parent feels out of my control, so certain boundaries help me maintain a tiny semblance of control. I suppose that’s why it hurts so much when it has to change!

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Yes, that makes so much sense!

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Your honesty is beautiful and so is your book. xx

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Thank you Marianne 🥹❤️🥹❤️

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Aug 8Liked by Penny Wincer

Thank you for such a beautiful post Penny. Sending so much love to you and your family this August & allllll the strength. Looking forward to reading your new book - pre-ordered this morning ❤️

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Thank you! ❤️❤️❤️

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Aug 8Liked by Penny Wincer

Sending you so much love and strength Penny. What can we do to help re promoting the book? All the usual shares of posts etc but anything else? Xx

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Ahh that’s so kind ❤️. I’m going to be sharing a pre-order comp (a whole stack of books from gorgeous authors I interviewed for Home Matters). It would be fab if you shared that when you see it!

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I can absolutely do that!

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Aug 8Liked by Penny Wincer

Oh Penny. I completely understand the feeling of something seemingly so simple to people on the “outside” having such a monumental impact. I am looking forward to the book so much, and I’m sorry it had to land in the world at the worst possible time.

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We find Summers tricky too so thank you for sharing your story 💜

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This was such a beautiful and inspiring post to read. I wish you every success with what is clearly an amazing book. I also find summer really hard for totally different reasons. Really all the very best of luck xx

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Thank you Jessica. I hope you have a gentle a summer as possible ❤️

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I’ve found your honesty reading this really inspiring. I hope you manage to find some time this summer to rest too, or maybe you can take some time in the autumn to turn inward and recoup?

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Thank you for sharing this, Penny; it’s so important. Hope you and your son are finding your way through

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Penny having read that I can understand why August is such a hill to climb. I hope there are moments that feel easier and that the last week of August is somehow better than expected. What you do and how you do it and then sharing it; makes such a ripple effect.

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A brave and beautiful post. Thank you for sharing this, and wishing you moments of calm within this storm. It can be so disruptive, literally and emotionally, to have the rug pulled out from under you like this. I hope you can still enjoy the pre-launch process. Hold onto those hands of support, the ones that grab you when you’re going to drown. They will save you xx

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Sending you lots of strength for this month, good luck with the book, it sounds brilliant.

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