This is very interesting and helpful, Penny. I like the idea that the slow pace of book publishing allows space for new ideas, changes, movement. Thank you.
Really interesting to see how different it is from self publishing where the research and exploration process can all happen during the writing rather than some being before.
Such an interesting read about how books evolve and change from their inception, thanks for sharing.
Pleasure :)
This is very interesting and helpful, Penny. I like the idea that the slow pace of book publishing allows space for new ideas, changes, movement. Thank you.
It’s very liberating!
I would think so, as a slower pace in other aspects of life is also liberating. Thanks!
Ordered. excellent...
Thanks Jean!
Really interesting to see how different it is from self publishing where the research and exploration process can all happen during the writing rather than some being before.
Yes I can imagine! Although I think some people still do proposals which becomes their road map for writing the full manuscript
Love this park behind the scenes of the process, Penny. So valuable and interesting for people who’ve never been through it
Love the expansion in the process involved. Fascinating how many iterations emerge en route.
Thank you for this article. Timing is perfect and it’s so helpful as I work on my book. I look forward to reading Home Matters!
Oh I’m so pleased it was helpful ❤️
I loved reading Home Matters, and it’s fascinating to read how it all came together! X
Thank you Annabel ❤️
So excited to read it, Penny!
So excited to hear your thoughts 🥰
It’s so good to know how the process works and that a shift - or a few shifts! - can be accommodated if that’s what the book demands!
This is completely fascinating - and I cannot WAIT to read it!